logo 30 May, 2023

Transform Your Digestive Health with These 10 Potent Yoga Mudras

Apana Mudra, known for its energy-regulating properties, can invigorate the digestive system. To practice this mudra, touch the tips of your middle finger, ring finger, and thumb together while extending the other fingers.

Source: Google

Agni Mudra: It is believed to boost the fire element in the body, which aids in digestion. Curl the ring finger and press it with the thumb while keeping the other fingers extended.

Source: Google

Varun Mudra: This mudra is associated with the water element and helps in maintaining hydration and regulating bodily fluids, including digestive juices.

Source: Google

Linga Mudra: It generates heat in the body, which can improve digestion. Interlock the fingers and encircle the thumb of one hand with the index finger and thumb of the other hand.

Source: Google

Gyan Mudra: Although not directly related to digestion, this mudra enhances concentration and calms the mind, which can indirectly support healthy digestion. Touch the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb while keeping the other fingers extended.

Source: Google

Prana Mudra: It helps in balancing the prana (life force energy) in the body, promoting overall well-being, including digestion. Join the tips of the little finger, ring finger, and thumb, while keeping the other fingers extended.

Source: Google

Shankh Mudra: This mudra is associated with the element of space and can help relieve digestive discomfort. Curl the thumb inside the palm and encircle it with the four fingers, forming a fist-like shape

Source: Google

Vayu Mudra: It is believed to reduce excess air (Vayu) in the body, relieving bloating and promoting healthy digestion. Place the index finger at the base of the thumb and press the thumb gently over the index finger.

Source: Google

Bhujangini Mudra: This mudra stimulates the digestive system and can relieve constipation. Curl the fingers inside the palms, keeping the thumbs outside, and place the hands on the lower abdomen.

Source: Google

Hridaya Mudra: While primarily associated with the heart, this mudra can help relax the mind and relieve stress-related digestive issues. Bring the index finger and middle finger to touch the base of the thumb while keeping the other fingers extended.

Source: Google

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