05 Dec, 2023
Say Goodbye to hair issues; Here's 10 highly effective foods that are beneficial for hairs!
Berries are an essential item to provide your body with hair growth required compounds and minerals, mostly vitamin C.
Source: Google
Fatty fishes like Salmon are mostly known as the source of Omega 3 acids. Some also contains Omega 6 that helps as an antioxidant thus preventing hair loss.
Source: Google
Avocados are one of the most healthiest fruit item one can add to their diet. They have an abundance of vitamin E, which is lacks causes scalp damage leading to hair-fall.
Source: Google
Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, two nutrients that are essential for hair growth.
Source: Google
Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene. The body after consumption, converts carotene into vitamin A, which is linked to hair health.
Source: Google
Oysters are the second form of seafood we have in the list. They are rich in Zinc. Zinc is a mineral that helps hair growth and repair scalp health.
Source: Google
Leafy veggie, Spinach are filled with hair essential nutrients such as folate, iron, and vitamins A and C, all of which are important for hair growth
Source: Google
Sweet peppers are an excellent source of antioxidant-rich vitamin C, which may support hair growth.
Source: Google
Nuts such as almonds are filled with vitamin E including B vitamins, zinc, and essential fatty acids.
Source: Google
Seeds are full of nutrients, some of which are extremely essential for hair growth like vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. Seeds like flaxseeds & chia seeds also provide omega-3 fatty acids.
Source: Google
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