24 Aug, 2023
Know Cholesterol's Surprising Effects on Your Skin Apart From Heart
However, a lesser-known fact is that cholesterol doesn't merely affect the cardiovascular system; it also exerts a significant influence on the health of our skin.
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Our body houses two types of cholesterol: the "Good" cholesterol, scientifically known as High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), and its notorious counterpart, the "Bad" cholesterol, known as Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL).
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The critical distinction arises when the level of LDL cholesterol surpasses 200 mg/dl, a threshold beyond which the risk of heart attacks significantly escalates. Bad cholesterol is undeniably a menace to our cardiovascular well-being.
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Cholesterol, typically circulating through our bloodstream, can sometimes flow excessively. When this happens, a peculiar phenomenon unfolds - fat begins to accumulate beneath the skin.
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This fat buildup, induced by cholesterol, disrupts the skin's ability to receive oxygen adequately, leading to a series of adverse effects on our skin's vitality.
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Controlling high or bad cholesterol levels is crucial, not only for overall health but also for preserving skin vitality.
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Interestingly, it's not just the outer layer of the skin that bears the brunt of cholesterol's influence. When lipids, a type of fat, accumulate on the skin, they begin affecting it from within
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It's worth noting that bad cholesterol doesn't stop at skin conditions like psoriasis; it can also be the root cause of itching. Specifically, itching under the eyes often indicates heightened levels of bad cholesterol
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An elevation in the level of LDL cholesterol can trigger skin swelling, contributing to the aggravation of psoriasis, a chronic skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches.
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Beyond dietary considerations, maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a pivotal role in this endeavor. Steering clear of unhealthy eating habits and striving for physical fitness are vital steps in managing cholesterol levels effective
Source: google
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