25 Jul, 2024

8 Places in India you should not visit during monsoon

Meghalaya - There's is no doubt, rainfall of Meghalaya is world famous but during monsoons, it gets more unpredictable which may cause hindrance for the travelers to commute and enjoy the place.

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Assam - The mighty Brahmaputra passes through the state of Assam and the river brings a lot destruction to the state people during the rainfall season. In fact, many places goes underwater affcting human and animal lives.

Source: Google

Kedarnath - Famous during summers, the holy Kedarnath gets closed after the month of May as rains here are very heavy and unpredictable too. This also causes landslides in its routes.

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Spiti - Lays in the magnificent Himachal, is often known for the trecherous rains in the valley that is becoming a huge issue specially due to global climatic changes.

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Mumbai - While Mumbai monsoons are breathtaking time to witness the city, however is avoidable for the tourists as one is could expect nothing rather than water logged roads and routes throught June, July and August.

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Sikkim - The months from May to September, rainfall becomes cruel in the hilly state and takes the form of incessant rains following floods and cyclones.

Source: Google

Goa - Located in the west coast, the torrential rains shuts down the liveliness of Goa. Known for its nightlife and party freak spots, it becomes toiugh for tourists top enjoy the coastal state during monsoons.

Source: Google

Odisha - Located in the eastern coastline of the country, Odisha receives around 150mm of rainfall every year. Moreover, the tropical climate of the place brings lots of tornadoes as well as cyclones.

Source: Google

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