10 Jul, 2024

7 Breakfast Recipes Every Lazy Bachelor Should Know!

Being a bachelor doesn't mean sacrificing a nutritious breakfast. Here are seven easy recipes that fit into even the busiest mornings:

Source: google

Easy Oatmeal Boil water, add rolled oats, and cook for 2-3 minutes for a hearty breakfast.

Source: google

Classic Egg Omelette Sauté onions, add beaten eggs with salt, cumin powder, and black pepper, cook until done.

Source: google

Baked Beans and Eggs Mix spiced baked beans with eggs, cook in a pan covered for a quick, protein-packed breakfast.

Source: google

Egg Bhurji with Chapati or Bread Make egg bhurji with chopped veggies and boiled eggs, pair with chapati or bread.

Source: google

Veggie Packed Sandwich Slice up tomato and cucumber, layer them between whole-wheat bread with a slice of cheese for extra flavor.

Source: google

Banana Cocoa Smoothie Blend banana, ice cubes, cocoa powder, almond butter, date, and chia or sesame seeds for a refreshing to-go option.

Source: google

These recipes are designed to be quick, easy, and satisfying for bachelors on the go.

Source: google

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