12 Dec, 2023

10 Must-Give lessons to your child before they turn 10

Gratitude is a very important lesson one must teach their children at their blossoming phase. Gestures like respect, thank you and sorry are the basic thing a child before 10.

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Giving you young starlet the lessons of early exercises is very important. The pre 10 years of your ward's life are the most delicate years when a body can attain flexibility with sheer easiness.

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Let your child explore the outdoors, no matter if it's a children park or any nature's lapse. This would impart them the social life and it's importance.

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Teach your child about the emotional parts of life. Teach them about emotional vulnerability and emotionally availability at their blooming ages.

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Impart your child with the knowledge of money. While money management can be a little rough for their age but letting them see the hardship of earning them is a crucial stage.

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Showing them the light in darkness in an another lesson to give. For example, solving problems, finding ways to deal with anything.

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Teaching you child about the importance's of attaining basic needs by the help of your own is a very futuristic perspective of turning them into a self-dependent person.

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Teach them about books and how one can indulge oneself to travel through characters and their world's though just reading. Books will give them wisdom and life's several knowledge.

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Seeding the habit of responsibility is utterly crucial too. Letting them doing the small chores themselves is a way for attaining the goal successfully like having glass a glass of water on their own.

Source: Google

In a fast pace world like today, a parent is also responsible for keeping their child safe from the world of high stake media and phone. Let them know what content they should consume and what not.

Source: Google

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