13 Jun, 2024

10 helpful foods to keep your gut healthy

Water - Drinking plenty of water has to be the foremost step to achieve a healthy gut. Water helps in easy breakdown of food particles, thus helping in a regulatory digestive system.

Source: Google

Yogurt - Dahi or Yogurt contain a heathy bacteria, known as pro biotics that improves digestion and keep your gut sytem healthy.

Source: Google

Green Veggies - Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli's contain an ample amount of dietary fibers inlcuding enough vitamin, minerals and iron, which are essential for a clear gut.

Source: Google

Bananas - Low in suger levels, Bananas produces a healthy bacteria called Inulin that results in a healthy gut. It also protects the stomach and intestine from digestive acids.

Source: Google

Avocado - Considered as a superfood, Avocados are rich in fibers and miconutrients that promotes healthy intestinal functionality.

Source: Google

Kiwi - Kiwi's are known for actinidin, an enzyme that helps in protein digestion.

Source: Google

Almonds - Full of micro-nutrients like vitamin E, fibers and fatty acids. Consuming almonds daily helps in regulating your gut system.

Source: Google

Chia Seeds - A great source of dietary fibers. The gel like texture of chia seeds work as a useful probiotic upon consumption. It also helps in lowering constipation.

Source: Google

Guava - They are often called as the richest source to vitamins and fibers. In fact Guava seeds are an excellent laxative.

Source: Google

Whole Grains - They contain an excessive amount of fibers, antioxidants and various miconutrients that helps in feeding your good intetinal bacterias leading to a healthy gut.

Source: Google

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