05 Jul, 2023

10 Easy ways to stay fit in your 30's

Staying fit and healthy is very important specially during your 30's. Getting lazy and not taking care of your body during your 30's might result a deteriorated future you haven't imagined about.

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In this story we will look into some of the easy yet fruitful ways that will help you keep in healthy shape and mind during and after you 30's.

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Exercising regularly is very crucial for your body flexibility. We all read and see the benefits of having a flexible body and exercises brings you everything.

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Engaging yourself in yoga. Yoga is a family of exercises but with one catch. Practicing yoga doesn't only helps in having a proper body but also a healthy and fresh mind. Yoga in-fact makes everything possible.

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Having a 7/8 hour sleep cycle essential for keeping you active for a longer period specially during your productive hours. It makes you more conscious throughout the day.

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Drinking enough water. Just like yoga can heal everything, water is a magical essential too. During 30's your body gets more prone to many hindrances which can easily be cured by water.

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after 30's your skin pales down and starts bringing lines and ageing and wrinkles which is surely treatable but with a stagnant skin care routine. Both men and woman are preferred to have a regular skin care routine for rejuvenated glow.

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Start engaging your brain in active works. For instance play a game that fuels your brain like Chess or any similar mind game which will eventually make you wise/balanced mentally.

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It might be rude to say but stop consuming junk food specially foods that are prepared in extra fat oils and Indian masalas.

Source: Google

Try to play a sport during the weekends specially. engage yourself in games and sports that makes your body parts work like badminton, cycling or even a regular morning/evening walk will work fine.

Source: Google

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