How fashion evolutionised? From tree leaves to Mini skirts; Know the history of the clothing evolution

Before the mass production of clothing started nobody gave much importance and care about fabrics and garments. Since the clothes were typically made from plants, animal skins and bones. But the things got changed in the mid-nineteeth century. Charles Frederick worth, who beginning in 1858 was the first designer to label the clothes he created.

Reported by: PTC Punjabi Desk | Edited by: Durtimans  |  March 09th 2023 06:11 PM |  Updated: March 09th 2023 06:11 PM

How fashion evolutionised? From tree leaves to Mini skirts; Know the history of the clothing evolution

The world of fashion today is all about bling's, quirkiness and colors but the fashion scenario hasn't been the same. It had went through a continuous cycle of evolution over the last few decades. Before the mass production of clothing started nobody gave much importance and care about fabrics and garments. Since the clothes were typically made from plants, animal skins and bones. But the things got changed in the mid-nineteeth century. Charles Frederick worth, who beginning in 1858 was the first designer to label the clothes he created.


1920's -  It is often referred to as a golden era of French-fashion since women gained more independence and freedom after the 1st World War. The age saw a rise of new fashionable class rather than royalty and aristocrats. People started being more playful with their looks and fits, Bob-cut (hairstyle) came into existence. Straight fits more than corsets became normal. Coco Chanel was the most popular designer of that period.

1950's -  A age where celebrities influenced style quotient among people. Film stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Lauren, Grace Kelly were some style celebrities. Man's fashion had taken more shape into single breasted suits, tappered pants and pointed shoes.

1970's -  This was the decade of punk clothing, such as oversized ripped T shirts and chains as accessories. 70's was a age where people loved flared trousers, bell-bottoms and hippie clothes.

1990's -   90's the period of globalization influencing international designers from all over the globe, adopting foreign style and fashion. The exchange of culture has revolutionized fashion game as a whole. Fashion houses like Gucci and Prada became immensely famous.

2000's -   Eventually it became an economy and profit driven field. fast fashion along with comforting streetstyle came into the play and it driven poeple crazy over affordable easily available clothes from numerous fast fashion brands.

Today the style quotient have a totally different meaning from the 19th century . Now It mainly depends on comfort, basics and moods of the people on what they wear. There are millions of fashion influencers from each country trying to make people understand more of fashion and its world, and with each passing day the definition of fashion will get change. "an continuous cycle of evolution".


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