Neeru And Rubina Bajwa Support Chahal Foundation To Help Punjab Fight Covid – 19

Reported by: PTC Punjabi Desk | Edited by: Diksha Kapoor  |  April 29th 2020 03:15 PM |  Updated: April 29th 2020 03:17 PM

Neeru And Rubina Bajwa Support Chahal Foundation To Help Punjab Fight Covid – 19

Like we all know Punjabi actress Rubina Bajwa is supporting her beau Gurbaksh Singh Chahal in collecting funds for his foundation ‘Chahal Foundation’ to help Punjab fight the novel coronavirus.

The couple is working towards providing medical equipment and rapid test kits to hospitals in Punjab amid the outbreak of coronavirus. While, they work towards it, actress Neeru Bajwa is in support of the ‘Chahal Foundation’, the whole of this initiative and urges fans to contribute to it for Punjab Hospitals to get the best equipment possible.


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@gchahal While in India, @rubina.bajwa and I heard news of panic from the scarce supply of face masks to protect individuals from contracting the corona virus. She insisted that we should directly bring the face masks to Hong Kong from Punjab. We contacted dozens of suppliers and struggled to find masks, as they too were starting to become a scarce commodity. But, managed to secure thousands of masks (N95 and surgical elastic masks) that we could fit inside as many pieces of luggage we could buy. Shortly after, we found out, India had banned all export of masks. But, we decided to still take the risk. The deed was more important than the risk. We left Sunday and ironically faced no hurdles bringing them over. With the help of the amazing team at @redlotuscom, we found three charities that focus on helping handicapped, low-income families and the blind to help distribute the masks. I’ve also been shocked at the way xenophobia has been spread to target the Chinese diaspora. At a time, when uncertainty brings out the wrong in humans - we feel, we have to believe that good will prevail. Without love, there is no hope. I encourage you all to see how you can help during this time. If you are also interested in donating supplies to Hong Kong, feel free to reach out directly at Gurbaksh Chahal Chahal Foundation, @chahalnonprofit Update: India has lifted the mask export ban, Monday. Please consider this as an opportunity to donate to Hong Kong. . . . #CoronaVirus #HongKong #nCoV2019 #Safety #WuhanCoronavirus #China‬ #viral #coronaviruschina #coronavirus #wuhancoronavirus #chinavirus #breaking #coronavirusnews #virus #? #quotesoftheday #china #wuhanvirus #epidemic #coronavirusoutbreak #wuhan #caronavirus #corona #plagueinc

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Recently, the Pollywood queen took to her social media handle to share a note that reads, “Please support Punjab and help buy rapid test kits for hospitals..For every 1 kit purchased, Chahal Foundation will purchase 1 additional kit..At a time, when the world is in crisis we all must do what we can do to save lives..Waheguru Sab Teri Meher Kare”


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Please support Punjab and donate at #PunjabFightsCorona

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The foundation has already donated face masks, test kits, personal protective equipments and ventilators to hospitals across the globe. This campaign is to purchase as many Rapid Test Kits and provide them directly to Hospitals and NGOs. The distribution will be public and transparent. At this time, the world is in crisis and the Foundation is doing its bit to help Punjab cope with it.

The ‘Chahal Foundation’ was started in 2012 - after Wisconsin Sikh Massacre with $1 million of personal finances of Gurbaksh. Later it branched into scholarships, disaster relief, and funding missions to eradicate child sex trafficking.

Meanwhile, Rubina is using her social media and urging her fans to help Punjab fight this battle as the situation is dire there and the spread is between stage two and three.


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Please support Punjab and donate at #PunjabFightsCorona

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Besides Bajwa sister, many other stars like Sonam Bajwa, Jassie Gill among many other Punjabi celebs promoted the cause when it was launched.

On the other hand, Neeru Bajwa recently produced a motivational song ‘Jitange Hosle Naal’. The song oozes out positive vibes amid the current tough times.

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