Netflix's David Beckham documentary series 'Beckham' delves deeper into his personal lives; From extra Marital affairs to his successful marriage...
One of the most intriguing docuseries that has hit the OTT screens of Netflix recently has to be the intimate documentary made on the life of iconic Footballer of England, David Beckham. The four part docuseries was seen delving many unheard moments of Beckham's personal lives specially his love life with his wife, Victoria. One of the showbiz' most powerful couple, David and Victoria surely did not led a happy marriage forever, there were many hindrances in between the couple that has nearly bought closure to them.
The Netflix's newest installment 'Beckham' gave a sneak peek into their 'no-so-talked' love story. Their iconic love story hailed forever ever since 1977 and the series has specifically rose questions on David's rumored extra marital affairs aka Mr. Beckham's infidelity as he was accused numerous times during and even after the marriage.
Kissing rumors and affairs with PA
From kissing an another woman to sharing a close affair with his PA, Rebecca Loos, the list of accusations is forever ongoing. Five years after David and Victoria's marriage, his affair with his PA, Rebecca came under the limelight as in 2004, Miss Loos confronted newspapers and in various television shows about her and David's periodic moments. From sleeping together to sexting, David was badly accused of things he however denied.
Sarah Marbeck
Another woman that stole the media limelight was Sarah Marbeck, alleged the former footballer for sharing explicit affairs with the lady and also stated about sharing a hotel room in Singapore, during one of his tour. But the superstar called it absurd and unsubstantiated. Even Victoria replied by saying, "We have been through a lot worse than this, and we're definitely going to get through this."
Danielle Heath
the third instance came into their landscapes when a lady Danielle Heath, a beauty salon owner accustomed David for performing sexual acts with her at Madrid home. "David was very affectionate. He loved to kiss and cuddle me and loved it when I did the same to him. It was like he was starved of affection," she further continued. After the whole incident, David has finally broke of his silence and stated in anguish, "We are sick and tired of people trying to make money at the expense of our family. It is even more distressing when we are expecting our third child soon. The allegations are completely and totally untrue and the matters are now in the hands of our lawyer."
Irma Nici
Danielle was however not the closure yet. The fourth lady that interfered the power couple was Irma Nici, a prostitute, who David has once accused for falsely selling a story claiming David paying her money for having physical intimacies multiple times. As per David, "I have never met Nici, let alone committed adultery with Nici or paid for sex. Irma Nici's statements have caused me and my family great anguish and emotional distress, and have adversely affected both my personal and professional life."