National Cancer Awareness Day 2023: Understanding the Leading Women's Health Concern

Breast cancer emerges when specific cells in the breast tissue undergo abnormal growth, proliferating more rapidly and accumulating more extensively than healthy cells. This abnormal growth gives rise to the formation of a lump or the release of fluid and can potentially spread from the breast to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis.

By  Prerit Chauhan November 7th 2023 01:18 PM

Breast cancer, a disease that originates in the breast tissue, stands as the most common cancer among women in the United States, second only to skin cancer. It also affects a significant number of women in India. Though breast cancer can impact both men and women, it predominantly affects the female population. Increased awareness and research funding have brought about significant advancements in its diagnosis and treatment, resulting in higher survival rates and a consistent reduction in related deaths. These improvements are primarily attributed to early detection, a personalized approach to treatment, and an enhanced understanding of the disease.

The Causes of Breast Cancer:

On November 7th each year, India observes National Cancer Awareness Day 2023. This day sheds light on critical issue of late-stage cancer detection, emphasizing the need for early diagnosis to improve survival rates. Cancer is a leading cause of death, making awareness crucial.

— YouWeCan (@YOUWECAN) November 7, 2023

Breast cancer emerges when specific cells in the breast tissue undergo abnormal growth, proliferating more rapidly and accumulating more extensively than healthy cells. This abnormal growth gives rise to the formation of a lump or the release of fluid and can potentially spread from the breast to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis.

Breast cancer frequently originates in the milk ducts, known as invasive ductal carcinoma, responsible for carrying milk. It can also begin in the lobules, identified as invasive lobular carcinoma, which are responsible for milk production. Researchers have identified various factors, including hormonal, lifestyle, and environmental influences, that can elevate the risk of breast cancer. However, the development of cancer in individuals without any known risk factors remains a complex, unexplained phenomenon.

Early Signs of Breast Cancer:

Breast cancer can affect women and girls of all ages. Regular self-examinations play a crucial role in early detection. It is especially recommended for women to perform breast self-examinations monthly, particularly after their menstrual period. If any breast lumps are detected, prompt consultation with a doctor is imperative. In India, approximately 5 to 10 percent of women are affected by breast cancer.

In recent times, cancer awareness has been on the rise, making it essential not to succumb to fear but to seek appropriate treatment when necessary.

Types of Breast Cancer:

There are several types of breast cancer, but the two most common ones are invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma.

On November 7th each year, India observes National Cancer Awareness Day 2023. This day sheds light on critical issue of late-stage cancer detection, emphasizing the need for early diagnosis to improve survival rates. Cancer is a leading cause of death, making awareness crucial.

— YouWeCan (@YOUWECAN) November 7, 2023

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: This form of cancer entails the potential for cancer cells to extend beyond the breast tissue and infiltrate other parts of the body.

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma: In this category, cancer cells spread from the lobules to the breast tissue or other organs within the body.

Causes of Breast Cancer:

Various factors can contribute to the development of breast cancer in women. These factors include:

Genetic and Family History: A family history of breast cancer plays a pivotal role. If a family member has had breast cancer, it heightens the likelihood of its development.

Changes in Menstruation: Women should be vigilant about any alterations in their menstrual cycle. An onset before the age of 12 or experiencing menopause after the age of 53 or 55 can elevate the risk of breast cancer.

Larger Breast Size: Women with larger breast size may have a slightly increased risk of developing breast cancer.

Alcohol and Tobacco Usage: Women or girls who engage in alcohol consumption, smoking, or drug usage are at an elevated risk of breast cancer.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer:

During the initial stages, breast cancer may remain asymptomatic. However, there are common indicators to be mindful of, including:

Detection of a breast lump with no associated pain when pressed.

Alterations in breast size.

Discharge of fluid from the nipple.

Swelling or the presence of a lump in the underarm area.

Redness or darkening of the breast nipples.

If any of these symptoms are observed, it is crucial to promptly seek a medical evaluation to ensure early detection and timely intervention, which are critical in the fight against breast cancer.

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