Tarsem Jassar has surely made the day more special with the announcement of his new Punjabi movie. Yes, the singer-actor who is already gearing up for his upcoming movie 'Galwakdi which will be released on April 1, has now announced a new Punjabi movie titled 'Mera Laung Gawacha'.
Image Source: Instagram
As the Punjabi film fraternity is making every moment special by announcing new films and release dates, Tarsem Jassar has now shared the good news of his new Punjabi movie through social media accounts.
Nothing much about the star cast of the film has been announced. However, the poster hints at a romantic drama.
Image Source: Instagram
Going by the film credits, it is written by Inderpal Singh and produced by Manpreet Johal and Ashu Munish Sahni under the banner of Vehli Janta in association with Omjee Star Studios. The will is scheduled to be released on September 16th.
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Meanwhile, Tarsem Jassar will be seen in 'Galwakdi' along with Wamiqa Gabbi. The film also marks the first collaboration of the two, which is slated to hit theaters on April 1 after numerous delays.
Image Source: Instagram
As of now, Tarsem Jassar has already managed to increase the excitement of his fans through both his songs as well as movies in the pipeline.
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