Shamshera: The forthcoming movie Shamshera, which is scheduled to release in theatres on July 22, will feature actors Ranbir Kapoor and Vani Kapoor for the first time. Recently, the diva Vaani Kapoor shared a slew of pictures with Ranbir Kapoor and we surely can't take our eyes off.
Film Shamshera's trailer was released some time back, following which the makers also released a quirky song from the film titled 'Ji Huzoor'. Now Vaani Kapoor has dropped stunning pictures as she pose with Ranbir Kapoor.
Vaani looks stunning as she dons a mirror work crop top paired with black shorts whereas Ranbir Kapoor looked dashing in white vest with black slim-fitting pants and sleek sneakers.
The duo's chemistry is reflected well in the pictures making it even more graceful. Undoubtedly, fans are awaiting to witness the bond between the two on the silver screens with the release of Shamshera.
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Talking about pairing with Vaani Kapoor for the first time, Ranbir Kapoor stated, "I hope people enjoy our characters when they see the film. Additionally, we've written a few songs together, and I hope everyone enjoys them as well. Vaani put a lot of effort into the movie, therefore she deserves all the love and acclaim."
Other than Ranbir Kapoor and Vaani Kapoor the film also stars Sanjay Dutt as an antagonist.
The movie, which takes place in the fictional city of Kaza in the 1800s, depicts the tale of a man who battles determinedly for the independence and honour of his tribe.
The film is directed by Karan Malhotra and is produced by Aditya Chopra which will be released in theaters on July 22, 2022 in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi.
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