With the rise of Covid-19 cases in India, the film and entertainment industry has to push the release of numerous films over the last two years. Now, as the situation is coming under control, filmmakers are announcing the release of long-awaited films. Sargun Mehta, Ammy Virk, and Nimrat Khaira, the popular trio of the Punjabi entertainment industry are all set to entertain their fans with 'Saunkan Saunkne'.
After numerous delays, the release of the film has been announced by the actors and surely fans are overjoyed to hear the news.
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Taking to the Instagram account, Sargin Mehta has shared a new poster of the film and stated, "Yeh DATE NOTE KARKE LOCK KARLO..
Surely, the film is one of the most anticipated Punjabi films which has been in the works for a long. Finally, Punjabi movie buffs have a moment to celebrate as the film's release date is confirmed. Earlier, the film was scheduled to release on May 6th.
Image Source: Instagram
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Now, as per the recent news, the film will now be released on May 13th, 2022. Written by Amberdeep Singh the film is being helmed by Amarjit Singh Saron.
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Ammy Virk, Sargun Mehta, and Nimrat Khaira's on-screen chemistry will surely make the film more exciting and entertaining for everyone.
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