Parmish Verma tied knot with Geet Grewal on Tuesday night. It was a lavish wedding in Surrey that drew a lot of attention not only in India but overseas as well.
The wedding is said to drew numerous noise and traffic complaints from nearby residents.
Image Source: Instagram
The wedding of Parmish Verma and Geet Grewal included a full-fledged ferris wheel and a concert-worthy sound system that blasted bhangra beats that could be heard up to 15 blocks away, past 2 a.m.
Surrey RCMP Media Relations Officer Vanessa Munn reported that they received "multiple noise complaints" as a result of the event. Several traffic complaints were also received, according to Surrey Bylaw Officers.
Image Source: Instagram
"Bylaw officers issued 15 tickets for parking infractions and towed a number of vehicles," according to a statement from the Surrey Bylaw Department. "Bylaw officers advised the wedding organiser to halt and desist their activities due to noise and traffic issues affecting the neighbourhood."
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Image Source: Instagram
Officers say they returned to the property earlier today with Surrey RCMP and City of Surrey Building and Electrical Inspectors. A Stop Work Order was issued to the property owner for failing to obtain permits for large tents that were set up on the property.