The comedy-drama online series 'Panchayat,' starring Jitendra Kumar, Raghuvir Yadav, and Neena Gupta, will resume for a new season on May 20 which is directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra.
The Panchayat Season 2 trailer is now released! Jitendra Kumar's character carries greater responsibility as the rural panchayat chairman in the trailer.
In the nearly two-minute short, Jitendra Kumar's engineer-turned-panchayat secretary Abhishek faces new challenges in Phulera, even as his friendship with village residents Vikas and Pradhan ji (played by an in-form Raghubir Yadav) increases exponentially.
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The trailer seemed to be a popular with the public. "A series that transported us to another universe, entertainment at its pinnacle," one commentator remarked. "At the end, I died laughing." "Nobody does it better- should be the tag line for TVF," netizens said, referring to TVF's talent. TVF has a distinct style of production.
The Viral Fever and Prime Video have collaborated on Panchayat 2. (TVF). They worked together on the web series Hostel Daze previously. Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, and Neena Gupta reunite in Panchayat 2, directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra. Amazon Prime Video will begin streaming the series on May 20.
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