Mili trailer: Jahnvi Kapoor is all set to blaze the silver screen with her upcoming movie 'Mili' which also marks her debut collaboration with her father Boney Kapoor. The makers of the film teased fans with the exciting trailer which was released recently. Janhvi Kapoor, in the film, is fighting against the 'freezing cold' to survive.
The video gives a frightening tale of survival and promised a spine-chilling experience for movie buffs.
'Mili' movie cast
To note, 'Mili' is an official adaptation of a Malayalam movie titled, 'Helen' and is based on actual events. In addition to Janhvi Kapoor, the movie also features Sunny Kaushal and Manoj Pahwa in significant roles.
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'Mili' movie trailer
The trailer opens with the relationship between 'Mili', played by Janhvi Kapoor, and her father 'Manoj Pahwa'. Mili, who is a B.Ss nursing student, aspires to go abroad and works as a part-time employee.
However, things change upside down after Mili goes missing after the day she and her love interest Sunny Kaushal was caught by the police late at night. In the meantime, visuals of Mili trapped in a storage freezer are also seen.
'Mili' movie release date
The film is an official remake of the Malayalam movie 'Helen' released in 2019. The survival thriller is helmed by Mathukutty Xavier and is produced by Boney Kapoor. The movie is slated to be released on November 4.
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