Following the series of Rakhi Sawant's Swayamvar, now Punjabi singer Mika Singh is all set to begin his journey of search for a bride with the new show Mika Di Vohti.
Mika himself took to his social media accounts to confirm about the same. Mika is all set to begin his search for a life partner on a reality show, "Swayamvar – Mika Di Vohti," which aspires to set a new standard in grandiosity and razzle-dazzle in Indian television.
"Millions of weddings have played my tunes over the years." I've performed solo and duo performances. Life mein ab duet karne ka mann karta hai, whereas ab tak singing mein toh solo hi chalta hai. Mika Singh says, "Kyunki maza toh apne ke saath hi aata hai!"
The much-anticipated call for entries for the country's most popular reality show, Swayamvar – Mika Di Vohti, begins today; nevertheless, this is only the beginning... The registration for the Swayamvar is presently open, with a deadline of May 8 to apply.
According to reports, the singer is ecstatic with his swayamvar and plans to demand an outrageous amount for it. It's been reported that he demanded a hefty Rs 50 crore to be a part of the show.
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"The reality show will be similar to previous seasons of Swayamvar. In a few months, it is expected to be broadcast. Mika will not marry on the show; instead, he will become engaged and then pursue his romance" a source revealed.
Mika Singh isn't the first star to use Swayamvar on national TV. Previously stars like Rakhi Sawant, Mallika Sherawat, Ratan Rajput, and Rahul Mahajan also held their Swayamvar on television.