With Lata Mangeshkar's demise, a wave of sadness swept the country, not just in Bollywood. On the morning of February 6, Lata Mangeshkar passed away. For Lata Mangeshkar's final rites, a large audience had assembled at Shivaji Park where she was created on Sunday evening.
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Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was also among many celebrities who paid tribute at the last rites of Lata Mangeshkar. He was assisted by his manager Pooja. On social media, a beautiful photo of his has gone viral. While Shah Rukh Khan is seen chanting a dua for Lata Mangeshkar, Pooja Dadlani is seen joining hands and paying her respects to Lata Ji in the photograph.
Following that, Shah Rukh recites a dua and blows on Lata Mangeshkar's body. After that, he places flowers on Lata Mangeshkar's earthly body, touches her, and asks for her blessings.
Shah Rukh Khan's image has captivated the hearts of his followers, who are expressing their gratitude by claiming that their admiration for him has grown. "This photo really defines India," one user commented. 'The most secular person, but his secularism constantly brings him hatred,' commented another devotee.
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However, there were some who mocked the actor as he blows air as it was misunderstood by many that he spat on Lata Ji's mortal remains.
Many celebrities, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Sachin Tendulkar, Ranbir Kapoor, Aamir Khan, and Shankar Mahadevan, gathered in Shivaji Park to bid Lata Mangeshkar farewell.
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Lata Mangeshkar was being treated in Mumbai's Breach Candy Hospital for the past 28 days. Her health deteriorated due to corona and pneumonia, and she was put on a ventilator. Lata Ji was removed from the ventilator a few days ago as her health improved.
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However, Lata Mangeshkar's health deteriorated on Saturday (February 5) and she was placed on a ventilator once more. He's being treated by a doctor. According to Dr. Samdani, Lata Ji died of multiple organ failure after suffering from corona and pneumonia.