Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has been making headlines with his back-to-back amazing roles in the Bollywood industry. After Sadak 2, KGF Chapter 2, Samrat Prithviraj, 'Sanju Baba' is coming back with 'Shamshera'. But did you know that Sanjay Dutt was battling cancer while he was shooting for the film 'Shamshera'?
Yes, read it right. Sanjay Dutt, who is currently promoting his upcoming film 'Shamshera', was battling cancer while the film was being shot. It may be recalled that Sanjay Dutt was suffering from stage 4 lung cancer in August 2020.
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Recalling the same, 'Shamshera' director Karan Malhotra referred to him as a superman. He said that news about Sanjay Dutt being diagnosed with cancer was a huge shock for them and that they had no idea about it.
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"He (Sanjay) was working as if nothing has happened," Karan Malhotra said, adding that because of this spirit he conquered this too. "Sanjay sir doesn’t let anything get the better of him," he said, adding that "he was an inspiration on the sets for everyone.”
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"Sanjay Dutt leads from the front and that's what inspires us all on the set," Malhotra added.
'Sanju Baba' kept shooting 'Shamshera' with an attitude that there was nothing that he can’t conquer, the director said.
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