While launching the latest song of famous singer Daler Mahendi, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Friday announced that a film city will be set up in Pinjore and Gurugram. The MD and President of PTC Network, Rabindra Narayan, was also present during the occasion.
The Haryana government led by Manohar Lal Khattar, in its budget of Rs 1.55 lakh crore for the financial year 2021-22, had announced that a film city would be established in Pinjore and Gurugram.
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The focus of the Haryana government is to encourage the film industry in the state. For this, two film cities will be developed in the state.
A film city will be established in Gurugram for which the land ranging from 50 to 100 acres has been fixed. The captivating, historical places of Haryana will emerge as film shooting locations in the coming days.
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The Haryana government will make another film city in Panchkula's Pinjore. Notably, the world's famous Yaduvendra Garden is located in Pinjore.
Reiterating his commitment again, Haryana CM made the announcement during the launch of singer Daler Mehendi's song on development works in the state.
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Meanwhile, Hobby Dhaliwal, Ashok Masti, Jassi Jasraj, and Sapna Choudhary among 25 artists were present during the occasion. Likewise, the Managing Director of PTC Network, Rabindra Narayan, was also present during the occasion.
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