Delhi High Court has asked the makers of Jayeshbhai Jordaar, which features Ranveer Singh in the lead role, to show them the full sex determination scene before its premiere.
On Monday, the Delhi High Court heard a plea seeking the removal of the sex determination scene from Ranveer Singh's Jayeshbhai Jordaar. The court instructed the makers to exhibit the relevant parts of the film or else the permission will be denied.
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The makers have also been cautioned by the Delhi High Court not to trivialise the illegal procedure of determination of the sex of the fetus in the film.
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Thus, the court requested to show the relevant portions and then the court will decide if they will allow the scene or not.
A report by the Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi of the Bar and Bench read, “You take instructions. You come back. We will have to see or we will have to stay. Unless we see for ourselves, we will not permit this. We will take it up after lunch."
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After watching the Jayeshbhai Jordaar trailer, the Delhi High Court judges stated that the film does not convey the fact properly that sex determination is illegal in India.
As per the report, the judges said that there was nothing to show that this (sex determination) was illegal or if the actors were aware (in the scene) that it was an offense. It looks like any pregnant woman can be taken to a centre with a sonogram machine and it can be done in a routine manner, the judges added.
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