Aamir Khan Talks About Collaboration With Kiran Rao Beyond Divorce

By  Prerit Chauhan February 6th 2024 09:00 AM

The unveiling of the trailer for the upcoming film 'Lapata Ladies', produced by Aamir Khan's production house and directed by Kiran Rao, has sparked considerable attention in the realm of Indian cinema. Scheduled for release on March 9th, this cinematic venture holds particular significance as it marks Aamir Khan's first film project subsequent to his divorce from Kiran Rao. In a recent Aamir Khan shed light on his perspective regarding collaboration with his former spouse post-separation, offering insight into the dynamics of their relationship.


Addressing the prevalent notion that divorce must inevitably breed animosity between former partners, Aamir Khan expressed his gratitude for maintaining an amicable rapport with Kiran Rao. "Has any doctor prescribed that divorce must turn former partners into adversaries? I consider myself fortunate that Kiran remains a part of my life," remarked the acclaimed actor.


Reflecting upon their bond, Aamir Khan portrayed their relationship akin to that of a close-knit family. "We're akin to a family," he emphasized, underscoring the depth of their connection both personally and professionally. Having traversed a journey replete with shared experiences, their relationship, as articulated by Aamir Khan, is anchored in profound humanity and emotion, destined to endure the test of time.


Aamir Khan's admiration for Kiran's intellect and acumen was palpable throughout the interview. "I find Kiran's mind remarkable. She's intelligent," he lauded, elucidating on the mutual respect and admiration that characterizes their interactions. Their relationship transcends conventional paradigms, marked by moments of camaraderie and intellectual exchange. "Sometimes, she even scolds me, and I find pleasure in that too," Aamir Khan quipped, offering a glimpse into the nuanced dynamics of their association.


The dissolution of Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao's marriage after 15 years is a testament to the complexities inherent in human relationships. Having embarked on their marital journey in December 2005, the couple made the mutual decision to part ways in 2021. Despite the dissolution of their marital bond, their enduring friendship and professional collaboration remain evident, with Kiran Rao's consistent presence at significant family events attesting to the enduring nature of their connection.

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