In a major relief to the Bollywood 'Badshah' Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, the NDPS court has allowed the release of his passport, claimed the lawyer. Besides, the court also allowed the cancellation of the bail bond of Rs 1 lakh that Juhi Chawla had signed,
It may be recalled that Shah Rukh Khan's son was arrested in October last year along with 19 others.
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He was allegedly accused of "possession, consumption, and sale of illegal narcotics" by the Narcotics Control Bureau.
However, NCB dropped off the charges against Aryan Khan. It stated that "no drugs had been found on Aryan Khan".
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Meanwhile, Aryan Khan's lawyer Sandeep Kapur confirmed that the case has been closed and that Aryan Khan is free now.
"One of Aryan's bail conditions was that he shall not leave the country without prior permission from the Special Judge for NDPS at Greater Mumbai," he was quoted as saying by ETimes.
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He further said that the NCB's reply on Wednesday means that the chapter was now closed. "The return of his passport and cancellation of the bail bond means that he is free now," he added.
The Senior advocate Amit Desai also stated that NCB's clean chit means the chapter is over.
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