With a ten-year career under her belt, Anushka Sharma has left an indelible impression on everyone. She's played everything from girl next door to the wrestler. When she ventured into production with her brother Karnesh Sharma and founded Clean Slate Filmz in 2013, it was a source of pride and excitement for all of her followers.
However, in a recent Instagram post, the actress declared that she will be quitting CSF as a producer in order to focus on her first love, acting. Anushka Sharma has declared that she will leave Clean Slate Filmz (CSF) to pursue her "first love," acting.
The actress now wishes to devote her time to both her child and her acting career. As a result, she's decided to leave Clean Slate Filmz, her production company.
Anushka stated, “When I started Clean Slate Filmz with my brother Karnesh Ssharma, we were novices when it came to production but we had a fire in our belly and we wanted to try and set the agenda of entertainment in India through clutter-breaking content. Today, when I look back at our journey so far, I’m deeply proud of what we have created and the disruption that we have managed to achieve. While CSF started with my vision to change the narrative of what commercial projects should be like, I have to credit Karnesh who has excelled in shaping what CSF has become today.”
Image Source: Instagram
She further stated, "Being a new mother who has chosen to be an actor by profession, I have to balance my life in an entirely new fashion like never before. So, I have decided that whatever time I have at hand, I will dedicate it to my first love, acting! "
"I will continue to be the biggest cheerleader for Karnesh and CSF and hope to be a part of many clutter-breaking projects that would be produced by CSF. I can’t wait to see how he grows the company from strength to strength with the stellar lineup of projects that he has handpicked, nurtured, and given life to. My best wishes to the entire family at CSF" concluded Anushka Sharma.
ALSO READ: ‘Get-Sweat-Go!’ writes Anushka Sharma as she prepares for her upcoming ‘Chakda Xpress’
Image Source: Instagram
Anushka Sharma's Production Clean Slate Filmz has released films like NH10, Pari, web series Pataal Lok, Bulbbul.
Meanwhile, Anushka is currently busy with her next film 'Chakda Xpress' in which she will be seen playing a role of a former Indian Crickter.
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